Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Assignment #1

Assignment 1

Assignment 1: IDM Fall 2017

"Research at least six portrait artists, put some of their work on your blog, tell me a little about them and why you like their portraits. You can research painters, photographers, printmakers, etc. Basically, anyone working with portraiture! I've included some examples here. We'll also break into groups and your job is to both be a model and a photographer. Your assignment is to photograph on another in a meaningful way. Six portraits of each person. Tell me something about them. LEARN something about them... "

1. Lidia Vives Rodrigo

" Lídia Vives (January 29, 1991, Lleida) studied Fine Arts and is currently working as a fashion, musical bands and artistic photographer. Her work is characterized by the pictorial environment, the use of color, to hide secrets in her pics and the dreamlike quality that manages to convey.
When she creates a photograph, her main interest is not only the technical effect, but also the anecdotal. Her goal is to make people interpret her photographs, to create doubts. The viewer is forced to look photographs for a while to delve into history. The idea is to make it disturbing, it seems that the character will begin to move at any time, to make clear that they are only one frame of a sequence. She doesn't want to create scenes, but new worlds. "

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   Image result for lidia vives

Lidia Vives uses many female figures in her pictures. I like her portraits and their use of color to focus the viewer's attention on the model's face and eyes.

2. Bayani E. De Leon

" Bayani studied Fine Arts and Advertising at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines and Portraiture at University of California Berkeley. He is a freelance graphic designer, technical illustrator and a professional portrait artist since 1970s at Bay Area, California, USA. "

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 Related image

In Bayani's art, he creates only part of faces. I like the way he makes the viewer assume the rest of the face, and only highlights the important features of the persons face.

3. David Catá (Viveiro, Spain, 1988).

" He studied a B.A. (Fine Arts) in Vigo University (Pontevedra). In 2010 studies the International Master’s Degree in Photography (Concept and Creation) at Madrid’s EFTI and he wins  the first prize of class 2010. He also studied the intermediate degree in accordion at Viveiro’s Conservatory of Music.
In 2010, he won the first prize of the Ourense’s Diputation of Plastic Arts contest, the first accesit at the Bang 6th Video Art Festival of Barcelona at 2013 and won an acquisition prize for the 13th Isaac Diaz Pardo Fine Arts Contest at 2013.
He’s been selected for  national and international calls, such as the “Xuventude Crea 2010”, the “Gritos de Libertad” photography contest, the “Eject” 4th International Video performance Festival of México City, the Ourense’s Diputation Plastic Arts contest 2012 and 2013, the “INCUBARTE” 5th International Independent Arts Festival, the “Convergencias’” Alliançe Francaise of Madrid’s photography contest, the CEC’s Plastic Arts contest, the “((.mov))” In Movement International Video art Festival of Peru, the 15th Sala El Brocense’s AAPP Contest, the 5th International Video arts Festival of Camaguey, the “Region 0” Video art Festival of New York, among others.
His work has been seen in Mexico, New York, Peru, Cuba, Portugal, Cambodia and Spain. "

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To me, David's most impacting art is the portraits that he sews directly into the skin of his palms. Most touching to me, was his project of stitching his loved ones into his palms, not only signifying his love by " holding " them, but also representing their bond through blood and flesh.

4. Anna Sidi-Yacoub
" Graphic Designer and Artist living in Ireland. She's inspired by light, colors and fluids. Her works are a visual celebration of nature, life. Water plays a big part in her Abstract paintings. They bring back scenes & memories from her childhood spent in Poland. She help Business and Home Owners to create the wow factor for their clients through Modern Art. She likes to express her life experiences on canvas as well as sturdy wood panels with overlapping layers of transparent and opaque paint. The viewer has to interact with my works in order to achieve the full satisfaction. Ideally, they explore the images from their imagination from pieces collected over the years. Her latest artistic inspiration is the transparency of the epoxy resin. The creative process starts by applying colors at different opacity and texture to form my vision. No artwork can be reproduced identically due to the difficulty of the medium. The entire process is challenging and often unpredictable yet very satisfying. I might perceive the final piece differently than the viewer, but the final word belongs to the individual. The bigger the piece, the higher the impact on the viewer. The observer will be blown away by the movement, the vibrant colors and the positive energy. You can detect biological shapes in the minuscule details which form natural landscapes attracting the eye. "

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 Image result for ANNA SIDI-YACOUB

Anna uses mainly etheral, female models and outlines their features with warming, positive colors. By doing this, she is encouraging the viewer to use their imagination yet still suggest a hint of the model's character through color, pose and expression.

5. Steve McCurry
" Steve MCurry has been one of the most iconic voices in contemporary photography for more than thirty years, with scores of magazine and book covers, over a dozen books, and countless exhibitions around the world to his name. Born in a suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; McCurry studied film at Pennsylvania State University, before going on to work for a local newspaper. After several years of freelance work, McCurry made his first of what would become many trips to India. Traveling with little more than a bag of clothes and another of film, he made his way across the subcontinent, exploring the country with his camera. "

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McCurry's pictures do not show simply a person, but through his view, it makes the viewer question the lifestyle, the culture, and the history of the people involved. I love the questions that arise when you see his pictures, and the curiosity when you want the know the people's stories.

6. Andrei Varga

" Andrei Varga is fine art painter based out of Dublin, Ireland. ‘Unsaved Memory’ is an abstract portrait series that deals with a genre of expressionism. The exuberant, lush style deliberately splashes outlandish qualities with a tranquil objective. Andrei is currently showcased by Saatchi. "



This painting series " Unsaved Memory " is fairly disturbing, in an almost horror-movie kind of scene. Maybe it is the dark backgrounds that makes the abstract faces seem more menacing, but the image given off here seem like much more sinister portraits then most.
