Tuesday, August 29, 2017

User Profile

My name is Ruth Leach
Phone # : (903) 820-8104
email : rleach2@leomail.tamuc.edu

  1. I am currently majoring in Computer Science and plan to graduate with a Bachelor's degree in the spring of 2021.
  2. I chose photography class not only for art credit, but in hopes of gaining inspiration and development techniques for my dream career, to be a video game designer.
  3. My goals after Graduation include, at 5 years, to be successfully in a house that I have hopefully begun to start paying off. At 3 years, I am hoping to be in a promising relationship with my significant other, whoever they may be. At 1 year, I am hoping to have prospective career opportunities or to already be in a comfortable career. At six months, I am hoping to be hearing feedback from potential employers and searching for the best job for me.
  4. I am mostly influenced by video game graphic designers and their character models that they create, I am inspired by the way a figure can then be coded to be given a personality, based on their looks, their movements, and their voice.
  5. I usually see most of my information of events from social media, and will occasionally do additional research on subjects that intrigue me.
  6. My most visited website would be Youtube, where I watch game plays of different video games, as well as some instructional videos on graphic design.
  7. The major museums that I have been to in the past year include: The natural History Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum, and The Science Museum.
  8. I have never had any photo projects or training in the past, however when I was young I would aspire of being a photographer.
  9. The value of Art for the artist i believe is the accomplishment of completing a project and being able to show an audience your creation and what it may mean.
  10. The value of art to an audience is the opportunity to peer into someone else's creativity, and gain a larger vision of how diverse the world can be.
  11. Photography is someone's avocation, and if it by chance turns into their vocation, then it is possible it could be their dream job.
  12. My passion is in sharing with people, and hopefully one day I will be able to make creations of my own and be able to make people happy through them.
  13. I am afraid of heights and of public speaking, but I think that my greatest fear is of disappointing people.
  14. I have both a British and an American passport.
  15. I signed up for this class in hopes that it will help me in my future career.
  16. My mom has influenced me through her hard work both in the house and at her work. My second person who has influenced me is my sister, who has had amazing success in her college successes and already in her new career. My third influential person would have to be my high school cross country coach, who was a huge influence on both my academic and athletic successes.
  17. The Lord of the Flies was one book that helped me to open my mind to different possibilities, and the idea of certain psychological mindsets that different people may have, depending on their upbringing and situation. Another book, that I thoroughly enjoyed was called The Name of the Wind, which really inspired me into creating something as magical yet believable as its story. A third book that has been important to me was the Very Hungry Caterpillar, one of the first books I ever read and sparked my interest in reading, that may have developed further into my art interests.
