Monday, November 13, 2017

'Little World'


Du Chau Workshop

I found Du Chau's workshop really interesting, I did not realize how, by taking a cast of an object (like the pine cone), you could replicate it so accurately. His work was also really pretty cool, and varied a lot in the different sizes and styles. Besides the pine cones that he showed us I really liked his 'mushroom-like' ceramics, and admire how delicately he managed to make them (espescially 'rome' and, 'a poem to mom').


a poem to mom

I also found it really impressive how, as a Pathological Technology Conductor in Dallas, he decided to also pursue his love in art, and went to get his degree in ceramics after already graduating from medical school.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Robyn O'Neil

Review of Robyn O’Neil

Robyn O’neil, alumni of Texas A&M University of college, is an artist born and raised in Nebraska, but now lives in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in solely drawings and has won many awards in her career including an Artadia grant, the hunting prize, and also a Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant. Her artwork can be found in many different museums around the world, including the Susan Inglett Gallery and the Talley Dunn Gallery. Robyn’s book, 20 Years of Drawings, is over the evolution of her drawings over the years and how they have changed and improved. Her pictures in black and white leave much to the imagination, whilst still managing to portray a story to her viewers.

Robyn is also the host of the podcast "me Reading Stuff." This podcast is Robyn O'Neil reading things like poetry, literature, essays and letters. Her poscast can be listened to for free online from her blog, and can also be found on Itunes or Podomatic.
